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Due to the loss of the Mahnomen tower we used as a link into the SuperLink, our club is no longer a member of the SuperLink. The page will remain for informational purposes.

The Paul Bunyan Amateur Radio Club is a participating member of the SuperLink network, a linked network of two-meter repeaters extending throughout Minnesota and North Dakota. Using the SuperLink, an amateur in St. Cloud (or any other repeater site throughout the network) can reach any repeater in the network.

To activate the link network, you must first turn on the linking system of the local repeater by entering the numeric code for that site. You will hear a voice announcement stating that the link is on. Then you must enter the numeric code for the repeater site at the location you wish to contact, wait for the voice acknowledgement from that site, and make your call. For example, to contact the Bemidji site from St. Cloud, enter the keypad code 785 to turn on the St. Cloud linking system. The St. Cloud repeater will acknowledge the link by stating "785 link on". Next, enter the numeric code 236 for Bemidji and listen for the acknowledgement "236 link on." At this point, the network has established a link to the Bemidji repeater and you may make your amateur contact. Autopatch (telephone) contacts cannot be made through the SuperLink network.

To allow the link to pass your signal through the various nodes without losing the first part of your transmission, you should key down and wait a couple of seconds before speaking each time your transmit.. Your contact should also be cautioned to do likewise.

At the conclusion of your contact, you should shut down the link system at the both ends of the link. Shut down the remote link first, then the local link. You do so by entering the keypad number 1, followed by the code of the remote repeater site you called and wait for the voice announcement stating that the remote link is off. Then enter the number 1, followed by the code of the local repeater site you used and wait for the voice announcement stating that the local link is off. For example: shutting down a link from St. Cloud to Bemidji is accomplished by first entering the code 1236 ( 1 + 236 for Bemidji) and waiting for the acknowledgement ("236 link is closed"). Next you must shut down the St. Cloud link system by entering 1785 ( 1 + 285) and waiting for the acknowledgement ("785 link off")

The SuperLink is intended for SHORT contacts. Priority use of the linking system is (1) emergencies, (2) weather (SkyWarn), and (3) general conversations. Please remember that the conversations on the link system may pass through several nodes and are broadcast over both the local and remote repeaters. Special care must be taken to shut the link down at both the remote and local repeaters after use.
