Paul Bunyan ARC
Who We Are and What We Do
The Paul Bunyan Amateur Radio Club (PBARC) is a club comprised of over 60 licensed Amateur Radio Operators who meet monthly to exchange ideas, improve their radio skills, organize activities that are of service to the area, promote the development of Amateur radio activities and join together in the mutual interest of Ham Radio.
Some of our club activities include:
- Public Service:
- SKYWARN: in cooperation with the National Weather Service, we provide severe weather spotting for Beltrami County and Northern Hubbard County. Many of our club members carry SKYWARN pagers to permit immediate activation of our storm spotter teams whenever severe weather threatens our area. Our spotters are in direct radio contact with local emergency officials and the National Weather Service.
- Providing radio communications support to local events (parades, marathons, the Beltrami County Fair, etc.).
- Providing emergency radio communications support for local emergency response officials in the event of a local, county-wide, or state-wide emergency (tornado, flood, or other severe weather emergency; search for lost persons, community disaster, etc.)
- Engaging in group ham activities, such as the annual amateur radio field day, contests, and special events.
- Providing local amateur radio classes and license examinations to all persons interested in the amateur radio hobby.
- Elmers: hams who help newly licensed hams get their radio stations on the air are called "elmers". Our members are always willing to assist other hams with radio equipment selection, antenna selection and installation, and any other advise or assistance needed. We enjoy introducing people to our hobby and are willing to help in any way we can. Just ask!
Club meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month, at 7PM, in the training room of the Bemidji/Beltrami County Law Enforcement Center, located at 613 Minnesota Avenue in downtown Bemidji. For assistance in locating our meeting place, contact us via radio on one of our repeaters: 146.730- MHz, 146.820- MHz, or 147.270+ MHz. You can also contact us by e-mail, or regular mail (Paul Bunyan ARC, P.O. Box 524, Bemidji, MN 56619-0524).
How to join our club
Come join our club! All hams and non-hams are welcome to join the Paul Bunyan ARC. As a member, you will be included in all of our public service activities and ham radio events. Annual membership dues are $25.00 for single membership, $30.00 for family membership, or $5.00 for students of all ages. Dues provide financial support for our repeater operations, public service, emergency communications activities, and ham radio classes.
New members are welcome to join at any club meeting -or- you may join by mail by sending your annual dues along with your name, address, and amateur radio call sign to:
Paul Bunyan Amateur Radio Club
P.O. Box 524
Bemidji, MN 56619-0524
PBARC Club Officers
Name | Call | ||
President | David Sauer | WRØX | |
Vice President | Jeff Baker | WØBOY | |
Secretary/Treasurer | Beryl Wernberg | KFØCAS | |
Technical Coordinators | John Simmons | NIØK | |
Tony Larson | KFØJYU | |